• 굳건한삼돌이 @오키드나 | 18레벨 | 전사 | 페레
    2013-03-23 18:38 매사냥 고원
  • 칸스타 @오키드나 | 50레벨 | 전사 | 페레
    thx for the helf!
    2013-03-21 22:52 십자별 평원
  • 칸스타 @오키드나 | 50레벨 | 전사 | 페레
    finally find it.. holy crap.. never do that again..
    2013-03-17 20:56 하얀 숲
  • 칸스타 @오키드나 | 50레벨 | 전사 | 페레
    보물지도찾기 퀘스트
    2013-03-17 20:39 이니스테르
  • 칸스타 @오키드나 | 50레벨 | 전사 | 페레
    yesterday i mentioned my first chance that i missed. today is sec..
    I thinki my sec chance is.. when i back this country i mean Korea...  i couldn;t get a job.. so i found part time job. It's not a formal but can make some money. cuz that was kinda trading. i can speak English bit so ex/import some material and product.
    I think i did well that job. so that company director offered mea formal job..but i refused it... i had my reason but i can't tell this page...  
    2013-02-20 00:11 매사냥 고원
    • 어린이 @델피나드 | 50레벨 | 그림자 검 | 하리하란
      come to 델피나드.
      오키드나 is suck.
      2013-03-06 10:12
  • 칸스타 @오키드나 | 50레벨 | 용사 | 페레
    well. ppl said everyone have 3 of chances.. i think so too.
    but thing is... i missed my 2 chances already i think. at first when i cook in AUS. i almost get sec chef but i didnt... cuz .. i was so crazy about ex gf..so i let my chance go ... i can;t understand why i did... guss im so emotional person....
    i'll tell my story which i missed  sec chance later.
    2013-02-19 09:20 고요한 바다
  • 칸스타 @오키드나 | 50레벨 | 용사 | 페레
    getting harder which i wirte this journal..... so tired..
    2013-02-16 23:08 매사냥 고원
  • 칸스타 @오키드나 | 50레벨 | 용사 | 페레
    The day! finally come tomorrow.... i'll drop my all and try to get new job..
    getting nervous... now.. cuz it's my first try to get desk job in my life..
    good bye cook... good bye kitchen...good bye you fkn customer....
    But if i'll can take this job.. actually it could be worse....
    i hope everything is gonna be ok...
    2013-02-12 23:41 살피마리
  • 칸스타 @오키드나 | 50레벨 | 용사 | 페레
    Why ppl love to  say about "you should~~~ you shouldn;t". But you know what?
    that;s none of you fuckin besiness.. and plz do not judge me that earlier.. you don;t even know me well. if i'll in serious trouble, you guys won;t give a shiiiitt... So plz
    um begging you guys, " Do not tell me what to do!!, actually u don;t have to, cuz i don't wanna fuckin around. do i make cristal? you little ass...."
    2013-02-12 07:01 뼈의 땅
    • 칸스타 @오키드나 | 50레벨 | 용사 | 페레
      fuck.. i don;t wanna be rude.. but ppl make me rude...
      2013-02-12 07:02
  • 서펜서님이 굳건한삼돌이님을 팔로우 합니다.
    2013-02-12 00:58